Press Kit
You can download a press kit which includes all high-res screen grabs and icons here (110 MB).
Key Details
App Store URL
Free download with 22 tools completely free to use, including the Preview and Global Variables tools.
All tools unlocked for a one-time in-app purchase of $5.99 USD (£5.99 GBP).
Alex Hay
iOS or iPad OS 13.2 onwards
Dark Alternate
iPad Screenshots
iPhone Screenshots
About The App
My aim with Toolbox Pro is to allow everybody to use Apple’s most powerful, modern frameworks without having to write a single line of code - all from within the easy-to-use, flexible interface of Shortcuts.
Toolbox Pro actions include: the iOS13 Document Scanner, on-device optical character recognition, NFC reading & writing, image filtering, face detection, FaceID authentication, haptic feedback, semantic text analysis and much, much more.
These can all be combined with other actions in Shortcuts to create incredibly powerful automation workflows.
Some simple examples:
Scanning a document, recognising the text within and then saving it to a specific iCloud folder
Selecting a series of photos, applying a black and white filter to all of them then combining them into a grid
Taking the link of a song on Spotify and opening the same track in Apple Music or YouTube
Of the 60+ actions so far, 22 of them are totally free to use. This includes the Global Variable tool, which lets you persist snippets of data between your shortcuts (and your devices) using iCloud and the highly-customisable Preview tool, which lets you build rich, interactive interfaces that act as an app-like front-end for your shortcuts.
About The Developer
Professionally, I'm a London-based, broadcast documentary editor, this is my first app.
I became interested in programming concepts after getting hooked on the Shortcuts app last year.
After seeing SwiftUI introduced at WWDC along with greater access for developers to create shortcut actions, I decided to learn how to code in my spare time and build an app that extends Shortcuts’ functionality.