

Authenticate using FaceID or TouchID

Bookmark Files

Access files outside the Shortcuts sandbox

Bookmark Folders

Access folders outside the Shortcuts sandbox

Create Menu Item

Create an attractive menu in Shortcuts

Edit Bookmarked File

Edit a text file stored outside the Shortcuts sandbox

Get Battery Status

Detect device's charging status

Get Connection Status

Check if you're connected to the internet

Get Device Details (Extended)

Get information about your device

Get Device Languages

Get language information for the device

Get Device Storage

Check the remaining space on your device

Get File URL

Generate a link to open a file directly inside of the Files app

Is Dark Mode On

Check whether dark mode is enabled

Is VPN Connected

Check if your device is connected to a VPN

Query Server

Get the status of the chosen website

Return Home

Return to the homescreen

Scan NFC

Read or write text to an NFC tag

Scan QR Code In Image

Scan a QR code in a static image

Search Bookmarked Folder

Search for files or folders matching specific criteria inside a folder you've bookmarked

Tag Files

Add, remove or retrieve tags from the given files